The Bentleigh Farmers’ Market have adopted a No Plastic Bag Policy
An educational process is underway for public and stallholders to phase out the use of any other plastic bags at the market, i.e. “bagged produce” except where food safety requirements exist through:
Why bother with a NO plastic bag policy?
Australians used around 5.6 billion single-use plastic shopping bags in 2004. That’s almost one bag for every person in Australia every day of the year! Plastic bags are a huge environmental problem for several reasons:
What are the other benefits of using the BFM bags, and other reusable bags?
As well as reducing the number of plastic bags in our environment reusable bags, are a more effective shopping bag. They are much stronger than plastic bags, and can carry twice as much produce. They are also much easier to carry, with more comfortable handles. So come on down to the market, with your own reusable bag or buy one of ours!
For all enquiries regarding the No Plastic Bag Policy, contact Sarah at